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Madison McGill's Story

Before going to the Amazon, I had traveled to Albania with CRU to evangelize to high school students through English camps. During my first trip to Albania, I had chills hearing familiar worship songs being sung in Albanian & English and it finally clicked how God is truly global. After my second trip to Albania, I felt called to step out of my comfort zone but was still intimidated by the Amazon - sleeping on a boat in hammocks outdoors, practically on the equator, also it’s a brand new language. By the way, did we mention the piranhas & alligators?

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.”

Habakkuk 2:14

However, from morning devotions & worship on the boat to helping teach Vacation Bible School, from making salvation bracelets & sharing how Christ has changed my life to washing dishes & dancing to Hakuna Matata, I learned that serving the Lord & furthering His kingdom isn’t bound by a language, country, or type of service. It all has the same purpose - making the Lord known across the earth. Whether speaking in Portuguese or Albanian or English, we are called to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and glorify Him in all things.

Madison McGill