Unreached No Longer

Amazon Vida aims to plant churches throughout the Amazon so that everyone has access to a healthy congregation. This mission has expanded into three different countries, starting in Parintins and spreading further.

Our work with the Sateré tribe began in the late 1950s when Pastor Elmer’s father, Pastor Eduardo Lessa, first contacted them while working in Parintins. It took him several days to reach the tribe using a small motor and paddle.

Later, Wycliffe missionaries Albert and Sue Graham were introduced to the tribe by Pastor Eduardo, and they eventually became accepted by them so the could move there. This was the simple beginning of a big project to create a written language and translate the Bible into their native tongue.

Over the years, both the First Baptist Church of Parintins and Amazon Vida have been actively engaged in a wide range of activities, including evangelizing, discipling, training leaders, and planting churches among the Sateré community.

Our success has extended to approximately 40 villages in the region that have successfully established a church or are conducting Bible studies as we work diligently toward planting a new church.

Many villages are consistently reaching out, expressing their desire for the opportunity to study God’s word, while others are earnestly requesting necessary support and supervision for their existing churches.

We thank God that there are fewer unreached in the Amazon jungle!

We have so much to be thankful for regarding the incredible ways God has used our humble beginnings to cultivate a work that has grown substantially and continues to grow.


Good News Must Be Celebrated


Happy Thanksgiving