Peniel Is 17 Years Old

Amazon Vida is filled with joy to witness the First Baptist Church of Peniel commemorating its 17th anniversary. The festivities included our collaborative church partners, the First Baptist Church of Parintins, and the First Baptist Church at Hebron.

Many of our short term mission teams have been to Peniel to support the church when it was so young that it didn’t have a building to meet in. Many of you helped to encourage the young church through ministry to men, women and children as well as through financial assistance. This is also a celebration of your work that helped the church continue in the midst of great struggle.

With a regular attendance of 50 individuals, the church is steadily expanding under the guidance of our missionary Marcelo Paixão and his wife, Dailane Leal. Together, they oversee a dedicated group of families who are actively involved in supporting the work within their community and beyond.

Notably, the First Baptist Church of Hebron is a church plant that originated from members of the Peniel congregation. This congregation serves as a testament to our aspiration of fostering thriving churches across the Amazon region that will in turn sow the seeds for future congregations.

Our fervent hope and prayer is for the love and redemption offered by Jesus Christ will extend to all who are in need in every unreached area of the Amazon.